Mobility-impaired access to the mountain

More about your excursion

Visit for details of the mobility-impaired accessibility of the Stanserhorn funicular, CabriO and restaurant. The website makes it easier for people with disabilities, seniors and families with small children to plan their outings.

Stanserhorn Bahn Informationen Barrierefrei Reisen

Mobility-impaired access to the Stanserhorn

Mobility-impaired access to the Stanserhorn

Information on accessibility

You start by taking the funicular train from Stans to Kälti. Wheelchair and rollator users will not have a problem changing between the funicular and the CabriO cable car at the intermediate station. On the Stanserhorn, a wheelchair accessible restroom is available by the terrace, and a ramp makes access to the revolving restaurant easy. Please contact us in advance if more than two visitors are wheelchair users.

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